Jack G's helping out

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Jack G's POV

I turned up at her doorstep and there was a huge black car pulled up outside. There was a man sat in the drivers side looking out of the window at me. I walked up to Amanda's door and knocked. I shuffled awkwardly from foot to foot where she basically told me to come over.

'Jack thank the lord you're here!' Amanda cried and wrapped her arms around me

'Hey, anything to be of help. What's going on?' I asked and Amanda dragged me inside her house and into the living room. There was another man sat in there looking at Amanda's parents.

'So basically you pay up by the end of today or you're out of this house.' I heard him say. He stood up and smiled at me before pushing past and joining his friend in the car. Amanda's mom went to make sure the door was closed.

'What are we going to do?' Her mom shouted. I knew they were all panicking, I mean they were about to lose their house of they didn't pay up. 'Jack dear it's so good to see you. Do sit down.' Amanda's mom said.

'May I ask how much the final amount was?' Amanda asked her dad

'He said eight thousand dollars.' Amanda's dad looked down at the floor. 'We only have one thousand in savings. That means there's seven thousand left to pay.' As I heard them speaking I was having little thoughts in my head.

'Couldn't we take out a loan?' A,manda asked

'No because the interest rate tax on that is so high, by the time we'd have the money to pay it back the amount would have increased.' Her dad said to her calmly. It was a pretty dumb question.

'What about if I paid the last seven thousand.' I said, looking up at them all. They were all staring at me with their eyes wide open. 'MagCon sales were through the roof and we made a lot of money from the tickets. Jack and I have seven thousand in our shared savings account. I could take it out, he wouldn't mind.' I replied to them with a smile. For the first time since I had been in Amanda's house I could actually see a sense of hope in her father.

'Would you really do that for us?' Her mom asked

'Sure, I mean, you guys can pay me back completely interest free and you can pay me back in stages, just as long as I get my money back.' I said and all three of them smiled. Amanda threw her arms around my neck again and her parents left the room as Amanda's mom was crying.

'Thank you.' Amanda said to me.

'I'm always here to help a friend in need.' I said to her with a smile. Her eyes were looking deeply into mine.

'Would you like something to eat?' She asked me

'Umm, not at the moment, I'm ok.' I replied to her. She smiled at me before leaning in and meeting my lips with hers. I pushed her back straight away. 'Look I'm doing a nice thing by helping you, please don't make me regret it.' I said calmly.

'Sorry, I don't know what came over me.' Amanda said. She turned on the TV and handed me an Xbox controller. 'Come on, like old time?' She said, I couldn't turn that down.

Jacks Js POV

It got to 1 and Jack still wasn't home. I had tried calling him a dozen times and none of the times had he picked up. Cameron was sat, waiting for us to go out to bowling.

'Can we just go without him?' Cameron asked

'Yeah sure, he obviously doesn't want to come anyway.' We locked up the apartment and made our way down to Camerons car. There was a photographer at the bottom of our block of apartments and he took a photo of cameron and I.

'Cameron how do you feel about the death of your boyfriend?' A journalist asked out of no where. I ran with cameron round to the private parking which the photographers couldn't get into. They were basically mobbing us, and after the last time I was mobbed...

'Why do they not show any compassion?' Cameron asked when we were out of eyesight. He was on the verge of tears but I knew I couldn't help him. I got cameron into the car and drove to the mall because that's where e bowling alley was. Cameron went to go and pay at the meter and I tried to call Jack again.

'Hello?' He answered.

'Jack where the fuck have you been?' I basically shouted at him down the phone.

'I'm busy.' He said and he hung up on me. I looked at cameron who was looking at me with a seriously look. 'Lets just go in.' I said and cameron smiled. On our way to the bowling alley we walked past the bank. I could see a boy and a girl stood there at e cash machine. I instantly recognised Gilinsky. Cameron saw where I was looking and pulled me round the corner.

'Just be patient.' He said, and he gave me an evil smile.

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