Naughty Cameron

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Nash's POV

'Dad.' I said when I looked at the door.

'Since when were you even planning on getting married Nash!' He shouted at me.

'Since I just proposed to Cameron.' I replied,

'No son of mine is gay, it's a sin.' My dad said

'Well two of your sons are,' I said

'Who? You and Hayes? Don't tell me you've made Hayes like it too.' My dad shouted

'I didn't make him like it, you did, you made us all.'

'Well I made Will correctly.' My dad said. Cameron ran up the stairs quickly and so did Hayes. That just left me and my dad stood in my living room. He shuffled around on his feet.

'I knew you were gay Nash, and it was trying to put this all behind me but I can't if you're getting married. That will ruin your reputation before it even begins,' he told me.

'Dad, do you know how many people write fanfics about Cameron and I? There are hundreds dad. I've often sat and read some of them and laughed at what they think it's like, Cameron and. I. People want Cameron and I to be together. That's what fangirls are like dad. They ship us even though they want to date us, they're weird but we love them because they make us. So do fanboys. All fans are amazing and even if my career flops because I'm gay, Neil Patrick Harris is successful, Freddie Mercury was successful.'

'He died of aids,' my dad said

'Still, he was still influential and will be remembered. I'm only gay dad, I just love a guy, it's not much different from you being in love with a woman, I just love someone who has a penis. And I'm marrying him whether you like it or nah.' I said my dad knew the whole you got a bæ, or nah thing so he understood.

'I just hope you know what you're doing Hamilton. I won't be here to support you if all of this goes wrong.' My dad said before he spat on my floor and left out the front door. I stood in the same spot for a while when I heard Cameron shout my name.

Cameron's POV

I went upstairs with Hayes while Nash was downstairs. I could hear Chad shouting at him. I went into Hayes' room with Hayes and we shut the door to try and drown out some of the sound. Hayes sat next to me on the bed,

'What do you think he's saying?' Hayes asked me

'I don't know.' I replied honestly. Hayes moved closer to me on the bed so his face was only a few inches from mine, I looked at him. Which was a mistake as he leant forward, pushing our lips together. He grabbed my hands and pushed me backwards so my back was against the bed. Hayes was attacking my mouth and I tried so hard not to kiss him back. His tongue was pushing against my bottom lip and me forced himself into my mouth. I could feel Hayes growing inside his trousers and he was pushing against my own. The grinding action was unfortunately making me grow as well. Hayes pushed down into my crotch forcefully which made me moan slightly and that made Hayes fully erect. He was solid against me. Hayes pushed his lips harder against mine and I couldn't hold back any more. My lips started to work with Hayes' and our tongues were tangling together. My erection started to grow more and more. Hayes pulled back and smiled at me. I lay looking at him with my mouth and eyes wide open. What the fuck was I doing? I pushed Hayes off of me and ran into the bathroom. I stood in the shower and turned it on. I took off all my clothes and looked at my solid length. I got into the shower and started to jerk.





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