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Jack J's POV

After signing out in reception I walked slowly back to Shawn and Taylor, loads of girls were swarmed around them because they looked like fresh meat, god that makes them sound like animals. While I was walking back to them I was shoved into the wall by Darrel, he's bullied me since kindergarten but Jack has always been there to stand up for me, except today.

'So you're a little queer boy are you? That's a sin you know. I'm gonna knock the sin out of you.' He says before me punches me straight in the stomach, knocking all of the air out of my lungs. I slide to the floor in agony. He then starts to kick me whilst I'm on the floor, I could feel blood pouring out of my nose and I knew I would be badly bruised. Darrel grabbed my shirt collar and head butted me before letting me drop to the floor again, he kicked me one more time for good measure and walked away. I was beat double in absolute agony and I couldn't move. I knew that people had witnessed what had happened, but no one did anything to help me, they were all scared of Darrel too. I shut my eyes as if it would release all the pain. When I opened them again Taylor and Shawn were running towards me. Jack was stood by the door leaning against it. He looked at me with a look that was hard to read before walking through the door.

'What happened to you?' Shawn asked

'Who did this? I'm gonna go beat the motherfucking shit out of them.' Taylor said

'D-Darrel.' I tried to say but my voice was so quiet they struggled to hear me

'Darrel?' Taylor said 'where is he, I'm gonna get him.'

'Tay I don't think that is a very good idea do you?' Shawn said to him, Taylor watched Shawn and shook his head.

'Lets get you out of here.' Taylor said, he picked me up and carried me bridal style out of the school and to his car. He sat me in the passenger seat and Shawn got on a push bike and cycled to my house. In the car Taylor started to talk to me.

'What happened with Jack?' He asked

'I don't really want to talk about it.' I said

'You can tell me anything Jack, I know I'm come across as confident and loud but you know the real me, I will always listen to you.'

I smiled at him. 'Thank you.' I said before looking at the road in front. I tried to get my phone out of my pocket but it was agonising.

'Jack don't hurt yourself.' Taylor said to me

'Im not trying too but I want my phone.'

'Use mine.' Taylor chucked me his phone and I texted Jack,

To: JG

I meant what I said, you just stood and watched him beat me up. I thought even if we weren't friends you'd protect me. I thought wrong obviously - Jack J

I hit send and gave Taylor back his phone

'Who did you text'


'So if I get a text from his number it's for you,'


'Ok. Does it matter if I read it first.'

'No. You can read it. I don't really mind anymore Taylor. Could you take me to the hospital please? I think I have broken ribs and my face is killing me.'

'You haven't looked at you face yet bro.'

'Oh shit is it that bad?'

'Yeah. You look like you've just had ten rounds with Tyson.'

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