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Jack G's POV

Jack and I quickly got dressed after Jacob had interrupted us, we know he didn't mean to, but it was still kinda strange to carry on fucking each other wh none of your best friends had come in the door.
'That was the most awkward shit in the history of awkward shit.' Jack said to me
'I know. Do you think we should, err, go after him.' I said, quickly throwing a plain white t shirt on and pulling up some khaki shorts, Jack nodded his head at me and grabbed on god the door keys before following me out of our room and down the corridor after Jacob. We knocked in the door of the room he should be in and he opened the door almost immediately going bright red when he saw Jack and I stood there looking at him.
'I guess I should have knocked.' Jacob said to us, laughing slightly as he spoke.
'That might be an idea for next time.' Jack said to him.
'So I guess you guys are together then, Mahogany said you were both gay...'
'Dd she?' I inquired
'Umm yeah, I hope you don't mind her telling me. She and. I aren't really, on the best of terms at the minute though.' Jack and I looked at each other and smiled
'What do you mean by that Jake?' Jack asked him
'Well, we had a slight disagreement over something and now things are kinda awkward between us. But I don't want to bore you guys with my problems.' Jacob said, turning towards where his phone was on charge. He sat down on his bed and started scrolling through his phone, my guess was. Twitter.
'In reply to your statement earlier, yes we are together and we are both gay.' I stated and Jacob nodded his head slightly, he was too engrossed in his phone to take proper notice of what I was saying. So I tweeted him
'@JacobWhitesides speak to me bro.' It instantly got a load of favourites and retweets with loads of people asking us what was wrong, which I chose to ignore. Jacob obviously read the tweet as he put his phone down and looked at Jack and I.
'Whats there to say.' He asked
'Whats going on with Mahogany.' I asked
'Do you want the whole story or the short story?' Jacob said, I looked at Jack and he nodded at me.
'Whole story.' I replied.
'We were having a FaceTime call on Monday, and we were talking for ages and then my sister came in and said that. I should just ask her out already so I threw a pillow at her and she squealed like you'd expect. Mahogany let out a really loud laugh and I laughed too but it was a sort of nervous laugh. Mahogany asked me what's up and I told her I needed to talk to her properly. She said ok and then she smiled at me really sweetly. So I asked her where she wanted me and her to go in the future, I don't even know why I asked, I wish I didn't now. She said I want us to be like this, really good friends. And then she smiled at me again, she didn't know my heart was breaking at what she had just said. I must have looked hurt because she Asked me what was wrong again and I stupidly said I'm in love with you, but you're not with me, it hurts when the person you love doesn't love you. And then she said she had to get ready to go out and I started crying and we have only spoken once since and she doesn't even know I'm coming because I told her I might not come.' Jacob said, he then looked like he was about to cry again. Jack sat down on the bed next to him and wrapped his arms around Jacobs shoulders. My head didn't like that very much and I had to keep telling myself that he's only being nice, don't be so stupid but it was so hard.
'Do you want one of us to tell her you're here?' I asked
'No.' Jacob replied with a snort. 'She doesn't need to know until the show.' Jacob said before standing up and going into the bathroom. He locked the door and turned on the taps. Jack stood up and knocked on the door.
'Were going now Jake, remember we are all going to the beach together in half and hour.' Jack told Jake before heading out of Jacobs room. We walked down the corridor back to our own room and we bumped into Matt and Carter. Carter was kneeling on the floor up at Matt and Matt was smiling down at him. I didn't really want to know what was going on so I took a detour into Taylor and Shawn's room. Jack carried on back to our room.
'Alright guys?' I asked
'Yes thanks, what's about you?' Shawn asked me
'Yeah I'm ok.' I replied. Taylor was laying on his bed shirtless with a bandana tied loosely around his head. He was on Instagram posting a picture from a while ago, captioning it with throwback. Shawn was sat on a stool reading a book on his phone.
'Is that a dirty fanfic Shawn?' I asked, knowing it defiantly wasn't.
'No. No it's a new crime thriller thing that I was recommended by a fan. She was so sweet so I thought I'd read it.' Shawn said in a defensive tone of voice, Taylor giggle from his spot on the bed and Shawn turned to face him. 'Taylor, babe, you're the one who reads the dirty fanfic.'
' I know, it's funny because they all say that your dick is bigger than mine, but we both know that's not true.' Taylor said
'Babe my dick is bigger than yours.' Shawn said and Taylor threw a cushion at him
' have you guys spoken to jacob?' I asked them
'Jacobs here?' Taylor asked, putting down his phone.
'Yeah he got here earlier, walked in on Jack and I.'
'Jack nd you, Jack and Jack, Jack and Jack who fuck and fuck.' Taylor said and laughed, Shawn sniggered and I just rolled my eyes. Trust Taylor to be the one who made me laugh.
'Welk Jack and I are together.' I said
'What did Jacob walk in on you and Jack doing then?' Shawn asked
'Just stuff.' I said
'Sure..' I looked at Taylor who was rolling his eyes and raising his eyebrows.
'It doesn't really matter, anyway I suppose I better get back to Jack, I only came in here to get away from Carter and Matt doing some weird shit in the corridor.' I exclaimed and left the room quickly. I bet as soon as I left they were all over each other like a rash.
I walked towards Jack and Is room when I saw Nash and Hayes walking towards me, Nash had a hoodie in his hands and Hayes was on his phone. As I walked past them my shoulder hit Hayes' and he glared at me, I frowned and opened the door to mine and Jack's room. I walked in and Jack was sat on his bed cross legged looking out of the window. I came up beside him and squeezed him round the waist. He screamed like a girl before slapping my cheek.
'Ow,' I said.
'Sorry, you scared me babe.' Jack said apologetically.
'I know, don't worry about it. How was Carter and Matt.' I asked
'They have gone out to get some snacks for the beach, I think Hayes and Aaron were meant to be going with them but then Nash apparently needed to talk to Hayes or some shit. I don't know. But Nash was holding Hayes' phone when he came in asking for Hayes, so something on there must have annoyed Nash or something, where did you go? I turned around and you had gone.' Jack said
'I went to see Shaylor.'
'Shaylor? Oh, Shawn and Taylor.' Jack realised
'Well done baby. You're getting smarter each day.' I said and I kissed the top of his head before stripping off naked and finding some board shorts to put on ready for the beach. Jack didn't know where to look when I was undressed and that made me laugh. I pulled him up to my he it and kissed him on the lips. He kissed back, I could feel a growing erection in his underwear and I pulled away.
'Is little Johnson getting excited?' I asked
'Maybe.' Jack said, pulling me towards him by the waistband of my board shorts. I raised an eyebrow before straddling him onto the bed and returning to our previous position. Jack's shirt was about to come off when we heard a knock at the door.
'Who is it?' I shouted
'Jacob, I just wanted to say, use protection.' I heard jacob laugh. I could hear Taylor and Shawn as well so I shook my head and returned to Jack's body on the bed.

Carters POV

'So.' I said as Matt and I walked to the shop
'So what?' Matt asked
'So so.'
'Carter what do you need to say. I don't want a so so so so so war happening,' Matt said, tripping up the curb as we walked. I laughed slightly and Matt looked at me. His eyes connected with mine and I couldn't look away, he had a hold on me. He stood up straight and stood right in front of me. 'Is there something you want to tell me Carter.' Matt asked
'No.' I said, I pushed past him and walked quickly to the shops. I heard matts footsteps close behind me but I couldn't stop now and tell him I loved him, could I. I knew he wanted to discuss something earlier in our room, so I made up some shit about me being stressed out, he bought it until now. I felt his hand slip into mine and he spun me round to look at him.
'Speak to me Carter, don't shut me out bro.' Matt said, his eyes filled with warmth and trust.
'Im not shutting you out, I'm trying to keep the darkness within.' I said, a tear fell from my eye and onto the path below. Matt wiped the next few tears with his spare hand before stroking my cheek gently.
'Dont turn this into a disney movie carter.'
'Conceal don't feel don't let them know.' I said laughing at my Frozen lyrics. Matt shook his head and shook me slightly.
'Seriously Carter, just speak to me.'
'My heart has been frozen.'
'What do you mean by that?'
'Only an act of true love can heal a frozen heart.' I stated
'Carter this is getting ridiculous, you're not frozen, you don't melt when you get warm.'
'Some people are worth melting for.'
'What the fuck is that supposed to mean?' Matt said, he was starting to get annoyed with me
'Im in love with you Matt.' I said before turning and running into the shop we wanted. I darted through all the aisles until I found a really crowded one and I stood in the middle of it so that Matt couldn't find me. Unfortunately he did.
'Why did you run?' Matt asked
'Im not the monster you fear I am.' I said
'Carter you're not a monster,'
'But I'm gay.'
'Im gay too. And I'm gay for you.' Matt said. I couldn't think of anything to say so I said the first thing I could think of.
'Oh look, I've been impaled.'

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