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Jack G's POV

I can't believe I just left him alone to fight his own battles. I walked to my first lesson after I saw it all happen and I took a seat next to Amanda, seeing as Jack wasn't going to be in.

'Im so happy were finally together.' Amanda said to me

'Yeah. Me too.' I said though it came out rather sarcastically.

'We could be together for the rest of our lives.'

'No we can't because we graduate like next week and I'm gonna be leading my own life with ja-' I stopped myself. I won't be with Jack.

'No you won't stupid, he doesn't want to talk to you anymore. He wants you to be with me.'

'I don't think he does.'

'I think he does.'

'He probably doesn't want to talk to me anymore but he'd never want me to be stuck with the same person year after year after year.'

'Why are you being so off with me Jack?'

'Im not being off with you.'

' you are.'

'Im not.'

'Yes you fucking well are. You won't talk to me with any respect, you act like you hate me. You were nice to me before we actually started dating each other, what's happened?'

'Im confused.'

'What are you confused about? It's easy. You're dating me so you're nice to me.'

'I am dating you yes, but that doesn't mean I have to be forced into doing things I don't want to do.'

'Like what?'

'Ditching my best friend.'

'I didn't ask you to do that, you did that all on your own Jack.'

'And now look where that's got me. No where, I have no Jack because he's friends with Shawn and Taylor, I have you constantly attached to my side, maybe I want a minutes peace where I can just think on my own without having to worry about other people, maybe that's what I want, I always have to do what you want.'

'No you don't, you don't have to do anything I want to do.'

'Good because you want to know the real reason why I didn't have sex with you, because I couldn't get him to go up. You don't turn me on.'

'Why not?'

'Because I'm gay.'

'Yo-you-you're gay?'

'Bisexual at least.'

'But you told me you loved me, you asked me out, why would you do that if you were gay?'

'Like I said, I'm confused.'

'Well stop being confused and be normal.'

'Theres nothing wrong with being gay Amanda.'

'Its not normal though is it? Being a guy attracted to another guy.'

'Theres nothing wrong with that, I fully support it.'

'Well you would wouldn't you.'

'Yes I would and do you wanna know why, because I think I might be in love with my best friend, and there is nothing you can do about it.'

'Yes there is.'

'Like what?'

'Stop you from seeing Jack.'

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