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Matts POV

I didn't bother staying at the beach with the rest of the guys. I walked back to the hotel listening to music on my phone. Every song that played would remind me of Carter, jeez I sound like a girl. When I got back to the hotel I went up to my room and unlocked the door. My room was next to Nash and Cameron's so I had to put up with them for most of the evening. I could hear them planning their wedding through the walls. I went into my room and sat on my bed, pulling out my phone and going on Twitter. I saw that Carter had tweeted about Maggie. He never tweeted about me when we were together, way to make me feel special Carter. I decided to check my DM's, something I hadn't checked in a while and I saw that Carter had sent me a lot of DM's. I opened the DM's and read all of them.

'I'm so sorry that tweet was Maggie.'

'Matt I'm sorry.

'Matt I'm a horrible person.

'Can we still be friends.'

I ignored all of them, if he was that sorry he'd call. I was about to jump in the shower when the door to my room was knocked. I opened it and Dillon and Sam came in.

'Umm hello.' I said to them both

'Hi. We thought we'd just introduce ourselves properly seeing as it's something we haven't done.' The one I think is Dillon said to me.

'Well hi I'm matt.' I said to them.

'I'm Dillon.' He said to me, putting up his hand for a high five.

'And I'm Sam.' Sam said giving me a small wave.

'So, what made you guys join us?' I asked

'We were asked to replace the other guys that were leaving. Plus it's cool to hang with your friends. Cuz I know Taylor really well and Sam knows Jack and Jack.' Dillon explained and I nodded in all the right places.

'Awesome.' I replied. I wasn't too sure on what to say to him.

'So who's dating who here? We can sense a lot of sexual tension when all you are together.' Sam said which made me laugh

'Well Cameron and Nash obviously, Taylor and Shawn, Hayes and Aaron, Mahogany and Jacob, Jack and Jack,' I said and I looked at the floor where I'd normally say Carter and me. Sam looked at me and Dillon sighed.

'Well anyway, on that note shall we go and get some lunch.' Dillon said to Sam who just nodded. 'We'll see you later Matt.' Dillon said before the pair of them left the room. I then decided to go and take the shower I didn't have. I let the warm water hit my naked body as I slipped off my clothes with the shower door open. I got in the shower and massaged the water into my skin. Then I rubbed the body wash and shampoo into my hair. I let the water wash it all off on its own, I didn't want to do everything in the shower.

Jack G's POV

Jack and I went back to the hotel and went to the swimming pool. Jack jumped in the deep end and I stood up in the shallow end by the steps. I let the water slowly trickle down my torso towards my swim shorts. Jack looked down at the water as it ran down my body. I could see him gulp slightly from the other end of the pool. I looked down at the water and laughed to myself. Jack turned around and dived under the water. I tookm this as my opportunity to get out of the water and walk round the edge of the pool to where he was swimming. He popped out of the water and looked over to the steps expecting me to be there. I jumped into the pool in front of him, splashing water all over him. He looked at me, his eyes bright red from the chlorine.

'Aww boo you look like you've been crying.' I said to him as I placed one hand on his cheek. He blushed under my touch.

'Stop it.' He said, getting embarrassed from going red. I pushed Jack up against the side of the pool and kissed him gently. He grabbed the back of my neck and pulled ,e tighter to him to kiss him. The kisses got more intense as we began to push against each other. Jacks hands wandered from my neck into the back of my trunks. We were about to get really intense when we heard the door to the pool open. I turned around in the pool and Jack looked over my shoulder. We both got out the pool and ran over to the door, ignoring the fact we were in our swim shorts.

'You two just can't stay away from each other can you.' Carter said, as we jumped on him to give him a wet hug.

'What are you doing here?' Jack asked

'I came to say goodbye to everyone properly. And to speak to Matthew, properly.' Carter said. We looked at him as his eyes looked filled with pure emotion. I smiled at him before pulling him in for a hug again.

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