Sorry if you get feels

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Jack G's POV
The crash happened loudly and quickly, the dust clouded the room.
'Jacob!' We heard mahogany shout and when he grabbed her waist she smiled uncontrollably. I saw that Carter grabbed Matthews hand and Shawn had hold of taylor. I looked around and Dillon was helping Sam up off of the floor.
'Nash!' Cameron shouted and he dropped onto his knees beside a Nash shaped figure. 'Guys help I think the ceiling fell down on him.' He said. Bart came running through the door and pushed Cameron away from the figure.
'Someone call 911' Bart shouted and Shawn pulled his phone out quickly
'Right cameron you go in the ambulance with him.' Taylor said.
'What about Johnson?' I asked,
'Hell be ok.' Bart said
'But what if more of the roof has fallen down. What if he's trapped under some rubble. What if he can't move.' I said panicked and upset
'Jack he will be ok!' Bart said.
'The ambulance will be here in five minutes.' Shawn announced.
'Right until then Cameron do chest compressions and CPR.' Bart asked Cameron 'Carter and Matt, go and check the rest of the building to make sure nothing else has fallen down. Shawn and Taylor wait out front for the ambulance. Jacob and Mahogany go and find Chad and Sam and Dillon just go and get some food or something. And Jack, you can stay with me.' Bart said
Every dismissed themselves and went to their own jobs. Bart pulled out a screwdriver and started unscrewing the door to the room Jack was in. When it fell of its hinges I saw Jack huddled up in the corner of the room. I ran toward him and fell to my knees in front of him.
'Jack baby are you ok? I'm never leaving you again.' I said
'I'm fine. I hit my head on some wood but other than that I'm ok.' He said. I helped him up off of the floor and carried him out of the room so that he didn't have to climb over loads of rubble that was blocking the door.
'Jack thank god you're ok.' Bart said when we finally came out of the room.
'I'm all good boss. I'm all good.' He said. He began coughing loudly and coughed into a tissue and wiped his hand on his trousers. 'I'm all good.'
'Bart we have to cancel now. We can't keep going on like this. Someone else is going to get really hurt, maybe even ,ore than nash.' We were talking when Shawn and Taylor came in with an ambulance crew. The bundled nash onto a stretcher and cameron went with them to the ambulance. When they left Bart looked back to Jack and I
'You guys are right, put it on Twitter that today has been canceled.' Bart said, a tear rolling down his cheek.

--- 1 week later ---

Camerons POV
I was sat in the hospital with nash waiting for his dinner to come in. He had broke his arm and leg but there was no permanent damage.
'I can't remember anything that happened that day.' He said
'What day.' I asked
'The day I felt like I had died.' Nash said honestly
'That doesn't matter now, you're ok and that's all that matters.' I said. The nurse came through with Nash's dinner and sat him up in his bed.
'Why I have some good news! Nash you can leave tomorrow, but you're going to be ina wheelchair for a few months.' She said
'What?' Nash asked.
'Well, you're results have come back from the recent physical test you had, and you're results showed that you're legs are deteriorating instead of getting better.' She said
'Can't I stay here until I get better.' Nash asked
'That's the thing nash, you might not get better.' The nurse stated before leaving the room. Nash looked down at his dinner but wouldn't eat anything.
'That's good news.' I said, trying to break the tension that had just formed in the room.
'How's that good news.' Nash asked bitterly
'Well we can get married now sooner, at home. Then we can go and find our dream home and everything. Nash our life is just beginning. And the fans have got over the fact they couldn't see us, they all want you to get better.' I said because it was true.
'You heard what she said, I might not get better.' Nash half shouted
'Of course you will. You're a Grier.' I said
'That doesn't mean anything apart from having blue eyes' Nash said, he was starting to get angry.
'No, it also means that you're a great friend and a fighter. Nash we can get married next week,' I said 'we can do everything we wanted to do.' I said taking hold of his hands. He shook his hand out of mine.
'I don't want that anymore.' Nash said dryly. I gulped, taking in what he had just said.
'What do you mean nash?' I asked
'I don't want to marry you anymore cameron.' Nash said. 'Get out Cameron, Cash, it's over. It wasn't meant to be.' Nash said
'Nash don't do this to me.'
'Do what? Just leave cameron. Its over, we, were over.' Nash said. He pointed towards the door and I stood up slowly.
'You don't know what you're saying it's the painkillers talking.' I said, trying hard to hold in my tears
'No it's not.' Nash replied. I left the room and sat on the floor in the corridor. I put my head in my hands and cried until I decided to call the boys. They were all in the hotel, we had left our location for the past week.
'Hello?" Taylor answered the hotel phone.
'Can you pick me up please.' I asked 'don't ask me why.' I said, and as I hung up I cried.

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