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Nash's POV
---the next day---

/nash has his video camera placed at the end of his hospital bed. Cameron is waiting Outside the room as nash makes his video./

'Hi guys, it's me, nash Grier. As some of you may know, I have recently been in an accident, yeah, I'm filming this from my hospital bed. I'm not alone, Cameron is with me, like I was for him when he cut his foot on the can, idiot. I decided to film this video for three reasons, the first and most important reason is to please you guys, the fans. I don't want to let you guys down on having a video to watch and I think you guys all Deserve to know the facts. A ceiling collapsed at the venue we were in, that's why the event was cancelled. I was crushed and I have done something to my back which means I could possibly no longer walk. Because of this, I, with great sadness, broke up with cameron Dallas. If some of you didn't know we were together, we were but now we're not. It's not because I don't love him, actually, it's because I love him that I broke up with him. I feel like he deserves a healthy boyfriend, one that can do everything with him and I didn't want to cause a burden to cameron. The second reason I decided to upload a video is because I felt like making a video today, I love all of you fans so much, and yes I know there are haters watching this but who cares, not me anymore. I have found that there are much worse things in the world then hate, and in the words of Jack and Jack, hate is just a fan that's afraid to admit it but I get it. Also, you guys deserve to know what's going on with Magcon, MagCon have officially split, you may not see us together again but there will be one last show for those people who had tickets to our canceled event, we don't want to let you down. And lastly, my final reason for making this video, this one to me, hurts. I wanted to make this video to say goodbye to you guys and say goodbye to video making. It may be me being selfish but I have decided that I'd rather be with my family, doing things that make me so happy and spending time with the ones I love then be making videos. It doesn't mean I don't love you guys any less and you might get an occasional vine, but this is definitely the last YouTube video Im going to make. So, with great regret, this is nash Grier signing out for the last time, I love you guys, don't forget it.'

When I was done speaking I called cameron back inside to turn off my video camera seeing as I couldn't reach it myself. I had already started crying, who knew life was so hard some times.

'How did it go?' Cameron asked

'I don't want to talk about it.' I replied dryly but not too dry otherwise cameron wouldn't want tot talk to me at all

'I'm here for you nash, all of us are.' Cameron said

'I know you are, but this is something that I had to do.' I replied bitterly. Cameron bit his lip which made him look goddam sexy, he does this on purpose.

'I best be getting back nash.' Cameron said to me

'Yeah, you better be.'

'I love you nash Grier.' Cameron said as he placed a gentle kiss on the top of my head

'I love you too Cameron Dallas.' I replied as he turned to leave the room.

Jack Gilinsky's POV

Jack and I were sat on our bed looking at apartments when hayes came running into our room again. He stood looking at both of us, he didn't say anything before he ran out again.

'What the hell did he want?' Jack asked me

'How should I know? You're closest to the Grier's than me.' I replied. I continued to scroll through all of the apartments on one page when Jack stopped me and pointed to a modern looking apartment at the bottom of the page.

'That one.' He said, clicking on the ti age to enlarge it.

'It's nice.' I said as he bought up an image of an apartment with two big bedrooms and a bathroom that was huge too. It had a huge living area surrounded by a kitchen and dining table. There was another small room which could be made into our office.

'I really like it Jack, can you call sam request a viewing?' Jack asked me

'When do you want me to book it for?'

'As soon as possible, I'm not moving to Florida Jack, not when you and I could live there. And even better. We can sleep to get every single night and no one can tell us to do otherwise.' Jack stated with a huge smile on his face, I couldn't resist kissing his forehead softly but with passion.

'No you're not moving. I love you Jack.' I said

'I love you too baby, more than anything.'

We sat silently looking at each other for a few moments before cameron came slowly back into the hotel rooms. He stood in the corridor and knocked on everyone's door. When we all came out of our rooms cameron stood looking at all of us.

'Nash just made his last ever YouTube video.' Cameron said to us sadly 'he's giving up on everything.' He stated before taylor pulled him into a bug hug, Shawn then hugged them both and then we all joined in until we were a bundle of teenage boys on the floor.

'Thanks for everything guys.' Cameron said. Which made me realise how much I needed Jack, I could have been like cameron if Jack had been hurt, I was lucky.

(Merry Christmas, I hope you guys enjoyed the update. If you did please vote for it.
I'm almost at 140k reads, can I just say that I never thought this story would ever get that big and I thank all of you guys for reading it.
I'd also like to say the story is nearing its end and when it does I'm going to miss writing it so much.
I love you all xxxxxxxx)

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