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Cameron's POV

I was at Nash's house getting ready to go to Magcon when two arms wrapped around my waist. I was expecting to turn and see Nash but instead I turned and saw Hayes. He smiled and me and I immediately got out of his arms.

'Hayes what the fuck?' I hated swearing at Hayes but sometimes it had to be done.

'I was giving you a hug.'

'No one gives me hugs from behind except Nash and fans, you're not a fan nor are you Nash.'

'I have the same genes as Nash though.'


'So kissing me would be very similar to kissing Nash.'

'Hayes what the hell has brought all of this on? Why are you hitting on me?'

'Youre hot.'

'Hayes I'm nearly twenty and you've just turned fourteen. Even if you were older and I wasn't dating your brother I wouldn't look at you like that Hayes, so can you please stop looking at me like it, it makes me feel really self conscious.'

'You know you like it deep down.'

'No Hayes I don't it makes me feel awkward like I've already told you, now can you please leave me alone so that I can actually pack these bags and get ready to leave.'

'Only if I can have some fun with you later.'

'Hayes seriously stop. You don't want me to call Nash in here do you?'

'No.' For once I was one over on Hayes.

'Whats brought this on Hayes? Really.' I looked at Hayes, his head must be whirring with thoughts of what to say as he looked seriously confused.

'I don't really know. You were just being so nice to me at the hospital and you were being so nice about Nash, so caring, I thought maybe you could do the same for me,maybe you could be mine.'

'Hayes, I'm never going to be yours ok? I know that there is someone out there that is perfect for you, you just have to wait until you can see it yourself.'


'Just wait and see Hayes, just wait and see.' Hayes smiled lightly at me and turned to walk out of the room. Nash came in seconds after Hayes left. He shut the door behind him so it was Nash and I in a room with the door closed, this usually only meant one thing. He was about to tickle me to death, or have sex with me, I know what one I'd prefer.

'Hey Cam.' Nash said seductively.

'Hey bro.' I said back but casually, Nash quickly connected his hands to the sides of my body and started to tickle me really badly.mi slipped to the floor because I couldn't hold myself up and Nash decided to straddle me whilst still tickling me. 'Nash stop!' He carried on. I was laughing and crying at the same time, crying with laughter but Nash still wouldn't stop. I started to go bright red and is Nash didn't stop soon I was going to wet myself. I was wriggling around underneath him when he ground his hips into me. His semi-hard dick was pushing against mine,making me get harder. Nash stopped tickling me and instead turned to giving me kisses on my neck and me cheeks and everywhere. When he met my lips we shared a rough kiss, both of us battling for dominance. I opened my eyes quickly to see if Nash's eyes were open, they weren't but I saw Hayes standing at the door filming Nash and I on his phone.

---skip to going to Magcon---

Jack J's POV

I was waiting at the front door for Jack, I was so nervous. It'll just be us for hours stuck with each other. I will try not to bring anything up while it's just me and him. Jeff was sat on the bottom step watching me pace by the front door, why did everyone had to watch me do things? It's so weird. I decided to go on twitter and tweet a bit. I followed a few fans as whenever ja make a tweet loads of people desperately try to get a follow from me. Jeff was smiling at me when I looked back at him. I looked out the window at what he was smiling at, Jack was coming to the door. I see why he was smiling now. Jack looked so perfect. He was wearing khaki shorts and a purple short sleeved patterned shirt, he looked so good. My palms started to go sticky, I looked a mess in skinny khakis and a white t shirt. Jack knocked on the door and I opened it, really slowly.

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