Water Park with the Janoskians

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Jack G's POV

I stayed at Amanda's that night. We spent the evening laughing at people making fools out of themselves on live TV and people who didn't know what the hell they were doing. Amanda cuddled up under my arms as we laid on the sofa. My thoughts occasional,y went back to Jack, but then I thought about him being At home with Cameron, he'd be fine.

'Where do you wanna sleep tonight? We have a spare room I can set up if you want?' Amanda said. I smiled at her and she slowly stood up and went upstairs. I stretched out on the sofa and went on my Twitter feed.

"a)jaack_johnson: gilinsky needs to go and get his life sorted"
"a)jammydodgerlinsky: I'm a jg girl but even I side with JJ on this one."

I looked onto Jacks profile and scrolled through his recent tweets until I found the one j was looking for.

"a)jackjackjohnson: I wash my hands of shit partners who just go back to their exes. #single"

He had thousands of retweets and favourites. I read through the replies, all of them were hate comments aimed at me. That was one way of making me feel shit about myself. I scrolled through and found Carters reply to Jack.

"a)carterreynolds: idiot, see you soon bud x"

Even my closest friends think I'm an idiot, and I suppose I am. Amanda came running back down the stairs and smiled at me.
"Bedrooms all ready when you want to go to bed." She said.

"Thanks. Come here." I said to her and she approached me. I pulled her onto my lap and started to kiss her neck gently.

"Jack, what are you doing?" She asked, pushing my head gently away.

"I miss you." I replied

"But I'm right here." She said and she stood up and went into the kitchen. I could hear her talking quietly to her parents about me, probably saying about how they want me gone or how they think I should go back to jack. I picked up my phone and dialled in Cameron's number. He declined my call immediately. Great friends I have.

Jack J's POV

"Hey cam, we're going to the water park tomorrow with the janoskians if that's ok? Kian and JC might join us too if you ask nicely." I told Cameron as I got back in

"Yeah sure, sounds good. I miss him Jack." Cameron said, he was staring at the wall with his phone on the table in front of him.

"I know you do bro, we all miss him. But we can get through this ok?" I said, going and pouring myself a drink. Cameron was still staring at the wall.

"I'll see you in the morning." Cam said. Getting up and going into his bedroom, leaving me alone in the kitchen.

---the next morning---

Jack J's POV (still)

We were woke up by a loud banging sound on the door and five Australian voices shouting in the corridor. I heard Cameron open the door so I quickly got out of bed and put on some boxers and went out to see them.

'I was expecting you guys to be ready to go when we arrived.' James said and beau nodded his head.

'Yeah guys, hurry up if you wanna get some good quality time making girls wet then you need to get a move on.' Beau said and we all just looked at him. 'Ok making some boys wet for you guys. And possibly Daniel cuz' he's been different recently.' Beau joked and Daniel slapped him across the cheeks.

'Go sit down on the sofa and we'll be ready in like ten minutes.' I said to the guys, Cameron went into his bathroom and I heard the tap start running so I went into my room and dug out my swimming shorts and some flip flops and a pale blue t shirt. I mean I needed to be as casual as possible. I brushed my teeth and ran a brush quickly through my hair and sprayed deodorant. Cameron came out of his room carrying two towels, one each and then we were ready.

'Jeez you guys get ready quickly.' Jai said in a state of shock. I smiled and we left out of the door. Beau had parked the car on the main road and there were a group of fans just stood around e car waiting for us all.

'Jack hi omg I love you so much!' I heard one of them call. We smiled for the cameras before getting in the car and driving to the water park. Beau was driving and Daniel was sat beside him. Luke and Jai were in the very back and Cameron and I were sandwiching James between us.

'So what actually happened with you and Jack?' Jai asked me.

'He was basically cheating on me.' I replied. Cameron sniggered in the corner.

'To be honest I never really liked Jack that much.' James said with a smile, these guys knew how to make me feel better.

After a while we pulled up into the car park and the twins ran off and paid for their ticket quickly. Jai was calling at us all to hurry up so we had to run too and in the process beau dropped his phone and it smashed on the floor. We laughed and helped him pick up the pieces.
Once inside we made our way to the river Rapids and grabbed a rubber ring so they we would all float. Jai and Beau were trying to drown each other by pushing each other through the holes in the rings. Cameron was busy talking to Daniel about something and they were laughing. I kept thinking about how Jack would have loved this, all of us lot hanging out and making lots of noise. I was lost in my own thoughts when I went under a waterfall and started spitting water everywhere. The boys were all laughing at me, so I laughed along, even though I was a complete wreck inside.

'Guys lets go on that slide over there!' Cameron said really enthusiastically, it was great to see him laughing and smiling and enjoying himself.

'Sweet.' Daniel said and they all ran off, leaving their rubber rings round the edge of the Rapids. I waited back a bit until I reached the actual dock. I didn't realise that Luke had waited back with me too.

'I know how it feels to be cheated on.' He said 'I felt cheated on by my brother though, not romantically. When Jai used to date Ariana, he forgot all about me. Like we'd plan a day out together but he'd ditch me for Ariana constantly. He then even started lying about where he was so that I didn't know he was with Ariana, it was horrible.' He exclaimed, we both got out of the rings together and walked towards the slide the others were on.

'That's slightly different Luke.' I said

'I know it is. But I still know how it feels to be hurt by the one you love the most.' He said. 'But come on, let's go and have some fun.' Luke said, grabbing my arms and pulling me up the stairs of the slide. When we got to the top. The others were back at the bottom. 'First one down out of us two wins fifty bucks,' Luke said with a wink.

'Deal.' I replied. The light at the top of the slide went green and Luke and I both jumped into it. I laid down completely flat so that I was more streamline and cut through the water. I kept thinking of someone coming down the slide behind me and catching up with me which made me move even faster. I shot out of the bottom and Luke was no where to be seen. I pulled out my wedgie and then Luke shot out the bottom of his slide,

'Fuck you.' He shouted at me and jumped on my back. I laughed at his anger. We all spent the rest of the day on the flumes and eating chips out of the paper funnels you get. We had fun until we all had to go home. That was when it dawned on us that in two days time we'd be together again, remembering Nash, and burying him.

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