Nash and Hayes

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Nash's POV

When we were all sat eating I took my opportunity to ask Cameron about what he'd whispered in my ear.
'What do you need to talk to me about?' I asked him quietly so the other guys wouldn't hear.
'Can we go somewhere a little more, private?' Cameron asked. I nodded and stood up, holding out my hand to pull him up with me. The guys were watching us as we walked away back into our hotel room. Once inside Cameron took both of my hands in his and looked me in the eyes.
'Nash you have got to promise me that after what I'm about to say you will still love me and you won't do anything stupid.' What the fuck was Cameron talking about.
'Depends on what you're going to tell me.' I replied, his face changed. He suddenly looked very pale and very nervous.
'Ok, so when you were in hospital, Hayes kept trying it on with me and I always pushed him back. But earlier up on the jacuzzi Hayes forced himself upon me and kissed me forcefully-' my hands clenched into fists 'Nash, I'm so sorry but I ended up kissing him back. I didn't mean to and I don't know why I did it but I did. And I thought you should know because you don't keep secrets in relationships.' Cameron looked on the verge of tears. I wasn't angry or annoyed with Cameron, he had told me the truth about what had happened, more than what Hayes has done.
'Its ok.' I said and I pulled Cameron towards me and hugged him tightly.
'It will never happen again Nash, I swear down. I will never kiss him again.' Cameron said and as he did he started to cry. I pulled him tightly into my shoulder and chest so that he could cry on them. I patted his back and told him everything was going to be ok. Well it would be with Cameron and I, but Hayes and I, well that's a different story.
Cameron was busy crying on my shoulder when Jack J came in to look for us.
'Sorry, am I interrupting something? I just wanted to make sure you were both ok.' He said. I nodded towards him.
'We'll be back out in a few minutes, I'll just tidy Cameron's face up a little bit.' I said laughing slightly. Jack smiled and then left the room leaving Cameron and I alone again.
'I love you Nash.'
'I love you too Cam.'

Matt's POV

When we were all sat around the pool I made a thing of sitting as far away from Carter as possible. I wanted to see if he'd come to me, which he did. I mean it's understandable seeing as we are best friends but I wasn't expecting him to move across the whole pool side just to sit beside me. We both ate our ice creams in silence until Nash and Cameron got up and left. At that point Carter turned to whisper in my ear.
'What do you think them two are going to get up to?' He asked
'I don't know, and part of me doesn't want to know.' I replied. Carter giggled to himself and then moved closer to my side, he was getting very close to me and it was starting to become quite unnerving. After we finished all our food we all went back to our own rooms. Carter and I sat on his bed and started to watch Frozen. Carter's choice not mine. Carter stood up and went to the bathroom.
'Do you want me to pause this?' I asked
'Nah it's cool bro, you could even say it's frozen.' Carter started to laugh at his own joke and I sat there and rolled my eyes at him. Love is an open door came into the movie, and I started singing along to it, very out of tune mind but oh well. I was lost in the music and I didn't hear Carter open the door. I turned to look at him.
'Love is an open door.' Carter said. I laughed at our situation because I found it ironic that Carter had just opened the door so it was an open door, as the song love is an open door was playing, Carter on the other hand didn't laugh at all. He looked hurt before leaving the hotel room slowly and quietly. I waited a couple of minutes before pausing the movie and going after Carter. I caught him trying to get into the elevator.
'Carter, bro, wait up.' I called. He looked at me and quickly got inside the elevator and pushed the door close button. Somehow I managed to get there in time to slip between the closing doors. 'Why are you trying to get away from me bro?' I asked
'Cant you see it?' Carter said. He looked like he was holding back many tears.
'See what?' I asked seeing as I had no idea what he was talking about.
'Whats the point.' He said and he got out of the elevator at the next floor. I followed closely behind him. When he realised I was following him he started to run. He was a lot faster than me. I finally caught up with him and I jumped onto his back, he fell to the floor as he wasn't expecting it. Loads of fans circled around us, thinking it was some weird bromance thing we were doing.
'Carter tell me what's wrong? I can't understand unless you tell me.' I said
'Are you really to dumb as not to see it.' He said
'See what!'
'That I'm in love with you Matt.' Carter said before running away from me down the corridor. I lay watching the direction he had just run in hoping that he'd come back round the corner but he didn't, I was in shock and I didn't know what to do. I stood up and a hand was placed on my shoulder. It was the two Jack's stood behind me.
'How much of that did you hear?' I asked
'Every single word.' Gilinsky said.
'I had no idea.' I said
'I kinda did.' Johnson stated. Gilinsky and I both looked at him, we were both confused. 'At the pool earlier when I asked where you were he almost said that he loved you. I forgot to ask him about it.' Johnson said truthfully.
'And you didn't tell me about this because...' Gilinsky said
'Doesnt really seem to affect us. So I didn't think it'd matter.'
'Right.' The Jack's took me back to their room but all I wanted was to go and find Carter. I needed to know what he was thinking.

Jack G's POV

I left Jack and Matt in our room. Soon Aaron came in and so did Shawn and Taylor. I left to go and find Carter. To start with I went to Starbucks because he could be in there.
'Excuse me.' I said to the woman behind the counter. 'Has a boy been in here. About five foot nine, black hair, SnapBack and shades?'
'No sorry.' She replied. I said thank you and left quietly. The next five places I went to I also had no luck in finding Carter so I went to the park and sat on a bench near the trees. I took my phone out of my pocket and dialled in Carters number. It rang through four times before it was answered.
'Hello?' A voice said down the phone, but it wasn't carter,
'Umm hi. Is Carter there?' I said
'Is Carter the owner of this phone?' Said the person, what the fuck was going on
'Umm yes.'
'May I ask who's calling.'
'Jack Gilinsky.'
'Well Jack Carter is sat in a jail cell at the moment for assaulting a police officer.'
'He was drinking beer on the sidewalk underage and when an officer walked over to him to take him home Carter punched the officer. He was refusing to give us his name so thank you for telling us.'
'Can I see him?'
'You can come and collect him mr Gilinsky. He's free to go. He has a three hundered dollar fine to pay back.'
'Ok. I'll be there soon.'
I hung up and ran to the station where I found carter sat in reception looking pissed off,
'Hey bro,'' I said to him
'Guessing you're here to collect me. Like I'm some little school child.' He said
'No I'm here because I want to speak to you.' Carter looked quizzingly at me. I smiled and signed him out of the station. I could see the officer that Carter had punched, his eye was black.
'What did you want to talk to me about?' Carter asked when we got outside.
'Two things. One, why did you drink underage and end up in a jail cell, and two why did you run away from Matt.'
'Id embarrassed myself so I ran and because I was embarrassed I drank loads of cheap alcohol I bought off of some man downtown.'
'Carter Matt wants to talk to you about what you said, he said he had no idea that you felt that way. He's not disgusted at you or anything, he just warns to know what you are thinking.'
'He'll judge me silently. I know he will Jack.'
'No he won't. He cares about you deeply Carter,'
'Fine I'll talk to him.'
Carter and I walked back to the hotel and as we go to out floor we heard shouting coming from Jack and my room. Carter and I burst through the door only to find Nash pinning Hayes up against the wall round the neck. Cameron was trying to pull Nash away and all the other guys were trying to get Nash to stop before he strangled Hayes. Carter ran round and stood with Matt and Matt smiled at him so I pushed Nash as hard as I could which made him drop Hayes and land on top of Shawn. Aaron swarmed around Hayes trying to make sure he was ok which he was. Cameron helped Nash up and held Nash's arms behind his back to stop Nash from going at Hayes again.
'You fucking little snake!' Nash screamed at Hayes.
'It was a two way thing!' Hayes shouted
'You didn't have to start it, he's already fucking taken!'
'Well he's obviously not fucking happy if he kissed me back.'
'He kissed you back because he felt bad for you.'
'No he kissed me back because he couldn't resist the temptation of something better.'
'Cameron is mine Hayes,'
'Are you sure that's what Cameron wants.'
All eyes fell on Cameron.

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