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Shawn's POV

I knew i should never trust Taylor with Jack. He has always liked him, always . He looks out for Jack more than he looks out for me.
'Shawn it's not what it looks like.' Jack said to me
'Just shut your dirty fucking mouth Johnson.' I spat at him.
'But...' He tried to speak
'I said fucking shut it.' And Jack fell silent. I looked over at taylor who had remained silent since I came in the door. 'You gonna explain?' I asked him
'You were leaving. You were pissed off with me.'
'So you go and kiss JOHNSON again. You always seem to find each other.' I said and I pushed past taylor and started to pack all of my things into one bag.
'What are you doing?" Taylor asked,
'Packing my stuff. Don't worry I'm not fucking leaving but you are sleeping in the bath.' I said and I threw one of the pillows off of the bed into the bath tub. Jack stood up quickly and ran out of the room. 'Has he gone back to tell his baby that he loves him and he'll never hurt him.' I mocked
'Jack does love Jack. It's me that comes onto Jack. He never comes on to me. He always tries to push me away and I always force him.' Taylor said honestly. He walked towards me and wrapped his arms around my waist.
'Get off me.' I said and pushed taylor onto the bed (not in a dirty way) taylor sat looking at me innocently. I wasn't falling for that bullshit tay. I walked out of the hotel room door and went into Camerons room. He was sat on the bed crying. So I sat beside him and cried too.

Jack G's POV

I hopped out of the shower and Jack was no where to be seen. I got changed quickly. I was right cameron was hitting on him. I started to pack my bags to get ready to leave when taylor came in and sat on the armchair.
'Are you ok bro?' I asked
'I've fucked up.' Taylor said
'How? What have you done?' I asked
'I've done something stupid and I've ruined it with Shawn.' He said. I didn't want to ask what he'd done, that's personal. I sat beside him on the arm of the chair and put my arm around his shoulder.
'I'm sure it will be ok in the end. If it's not ok taylor then it's not the end.' I said and I kissed the top of his head. Jack came in and and gulped when he saw me sat with taylor.
'What are you doing in here?' He asked taylor
'I'm just having a chat with Jack. Sorry I'll leave you guys to it.' Taylor said and he smiled as he left the room, even if it was a sad smile. Jack smiled at me and ran towards me. Knocking me off the arm and onto my back on the floor. I straddled me and looked into my eyes.
'I love you Jack, always.' He said
'I love you too. Nothing will ever change that.' I said and I kissed his lips gently. He stood up and pulled me up with him. We layed down on the bed together and turned on the TV.
'What do you want to watch?' Jack asked me
'I don't mind. Something romantic I think.' I said and Jack found the vow on the TV. He hit play and he snuggled up into my chest. I kissed the top of his head and wrapped my arm around him.
'Jack, do you think anything will ever come between us?' He asked me
'What makes you say that?' I asked
'Is there anything you or I could do that would make you not want to be with me anymore.' He said
'Well if you cheated on me I wouldn't want to be with you, or if I cheated on you. I'd have to tell you and then I wouldn't want to be with you anymore.' I said honestly
'So, let's say someone kissed me and I couldn't push them away. Would you dump me?' Jack asked
'Depends on who the person was and what happens next. But hey, nothing like that would ever happen with us.' I said
'Yeah...I don't want anyone else but you babe.' Jack said to me.
We watched the rest of the movie before Jack was called by cameron to go to the hospital. I gave him a soft kiss on the lips and told him I loved him before he left. I saw that all the boys had gone into Carter and Matts room so I decided to go in myself. I sat down on the floor by the plug socket and the boys were discussing weddings.
'I do really want to get married and have a beautiful wife.' Carter said
'Well, maybe that could be you and maggie.' Matt said to Carter. Carter looked down at the floor and pulled out his phone, he was probably texting maggie.
'We've spoken about this,' Carter said to matt and matt just rolled his eyes. I looked to Shawn and taylor to see what they would say about weddings.
'Do you want to get married Taylor?' I asked and he looked at me
'I've always wanted to marry the perfect person, and I thought I had met that person.' Taylor replied and he looked to Shawn who finished the rest of the sentence.
'You had, until you kissed someone else.' Shawn said and everyone's eyes fell on taylor.

(Hey guys. How are you all?

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I hope you enjoyed this update. The next ones longer.

What do you think of the new cover?

Love you all so much xxxxxxx)

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