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(Hey, 1.1k reads, thank you so much. You're all so perfect and thank you for all the votes and comments, I appreciate them all. ~ Anna x)

Jack J's POV

'Im a mess Taylor a fucking mess.' Taylor wrapped his arm around my shoulder the best he could.

'Its ok, I'm here, talk to me.'

'I don't know Taylor, part of me, really does like you, I don't know why but it does. But then this bigger part of me, really really likes Jack and, I don't know, I tried to talk to him yesterday and he ran off because he realised it wasn't me and you screwing each other. I don't know what to do Taylor, I really don't.'

'Would you like me to stay with you at your house for a few days?'

'I don't know, it would be nice though, thank you.'

'We need to turn around then so I can get my stuff from the hotel.'


I called the cab driver to turn around. He did so and we got back to the hotel really quickly. Taylor jumped out and ran up to the reception desk to tell the woman he was leaving, I looked into the cafe window. Shawn was singing with Carter, Nash and Cameron were just being themselves, Hayes and Aaron were arm wrestling and Matt was no where to be seen. Then my gaze fell on Jack, he wasn't sat with the others, he was sat with Amanda.

'Can you hold for a minute please?' I asked the cab driver, he nodded and I jumped out and ran into the cafe. The boys looked at me but Jack hadn't noticed me. I sssshhed the boys with my finger to my lips and I went over to behind Jack. I tapped him on the shoulder so he turned around and without thinking I kissed him hard on the lips. I put my hands around his waist and kissed him harder. I roamed my tongue along his bottom lip, he wouldn't allow me access so I kneed him in the balls and he opened his mouth so I quickly slipped inside. After a while Jack pulled away, I didn't even look at him I just ran. I looked at the boys, they were all looking at me with their eyes wide open. I ran back to the cab and just as I was about to get in a pair of strong arms wrapped themselves around my waist. I turned to see none other then Nash looking at me.

'What was that all about Jack?'

'I think it was kinda self explanatory.'


'Because, because I like him Nash, I really do and however much I try to hide it, my feelings just get stronger. And seeing him with Amanda just makes me jealous, he really likes her and he will choose her over me Nash, he always will.'

'You don't know that.'

'Yes I do. When someone had been your best friend for so long, you start to know them very well and I know he will choose her Nash. That's probably best for all of us though.'

'Theres going to be pictures of that kiss everywhere you know, some paps caught the picture.'

'Oh well. I love Jack Gilinsky! I'm bisexual and I'm a blonde little prick.'

'No, no you're not a blonde little prick,'

'I can be sometimes.'

'Yeah sometimes you can be, but most of the time you're just you. I mean, take a look at me, think about how much hate I get every single day because of a silly video I've made, I have apologised but I still get hate, I got that for being me. We can't help who we are Jack, and if Jack likes you, you will get what you want one day, trust me, I wouldn't lie to you.'

Nash gave me a quick hug before going back in to Cameron. I got in the cab and plugged myself in. Taylor got in a few seconds later. He was out of breath and was all sweaty.

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