Messages and the final goodbye

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(I'd just like to say WOW! Thank you so much for 150k reads. That's so many reads and the amount of you that are still reading this is amazing. I'd have stopped reading this by now.

I'm so thankful for all of you. I love you all so much I really do. I'd love to talk to some of you so check out my profile for all my social media.

I hope you enjoy this part.)

Cameron's POV

'Umm ok.' I replied to Jack and I sat down on his couch. He stood up infront of me and put his hands behind the back of his head. Nash does that all the time. I can't wait for him to get out of hospital, I can't start to win him back when he gets out.

'Cameron I think this is going to come as a bit of a shock.' Jack said and Johnson came out of one of the other rooms. He went into the kitchen and sat down on one of the bar stools. Jack took a sharp intake of breath.

'Bro what is it?' I asked

'Cameron it's nash.' Jack said to me

'What about him?' I asked getting slightly nervous

'He was, the hospital.' Jack stuttered out. I looked at him, my mouth slightly agape. Had he really just said what I thought he had? My nash, dead? My palms started to get clammy and a hideous beep sound filled my ears. My vision started to become clouded. I could feel the tears stabbing against my lower eyelid. I let them fall. My sobs becoming louder and louder. Jack sat on the couch beside me and pulled me to his chest. Johnson stayed where he was, watching from afar.

'H-how did y-you find ou-out?' I sobbed

'It was on the news Cameron.' Jack said calmly. This brought on more tears. How had I not heard anything? If I had checked Twitter earlier, that why Jack didn't want me to go on Twitter.

'How long ago was he found? I left him not long ago.' I asked

'He was found this morning.' Jack said calmly. He's good at being calm. That must have been why nash wanted me to go home. So he could kill himself. Did he not know that it broke my heart? Broke so many people's hearts? I turned on the jacks tv and it. Was flashing up Nash's part again.

'More news has come to us today. Nash Grier had taken an overdose of prescription painkillers as he has been in hospital and has had clear access to these. Many messages have been being left in memory of Nash on Twitter,YouTube, Vine and Instagram where nash liked to spend a lot of his time. No statement has yet been made by any of his Magcon friends or from his boyfriend Cameron Dallas who has disappeared.'

I listened intently. None of it sounding any better than the other.

'Can I have your wifi password now please?' I asked the Jacks and Johnson stood up and passed me over the small card. I typed it in and clicked on my Twitter button. My whole timeline filled with things for nash that he's. NEver going to get the chance to see. I decided to make my own.

'R.I.P my angel. I'm going to miss everything about us. I love you Nash, I'll never stop. Yours always x' As soon as it was posted I recieved a lot of messages from the fans asking if. I was ok. I didn't respond to any, I love the fans too much for them to see me cry. I went onto the magcon Twitter and nothing had been put on there. I had to sit and wait, to see what the others posted. But right now I wanted to be alone. I didn't know what to do anymore.

Jack J's POV

'R.I.P my angel. I'm going to miss everything about us. I love you Nash, I'll never stop. Yours always x' - Cameron Dallas
'I hope you rest in peace bro. Love now and always.' - Aaron Carpenter
'RIP beautiful. Don't stop your light shining. You can shine like a star now.' - Mahogany Lox
'You could have spoke to me. I love you so much bro. RIP x.' - Taylor Caniff
'What am I going to do without you bro. I miss you so much already. You were always my best friend. RIP brother x x x - Hayes Grier
'You were the life of the party. R.I.P' - Shawn Mendes
'Goodbye my friend.' - Jacob Whitesides
'God has taken another angel. RIP Nashy x' - Matthew Espinosa
'I hope you're in a better place now. Rest in peace.' - Carter Reynolds

Messages from all the boys except Jack and I. We didn't really know what to write. Cameron had gone and locked himself in the bathroom. We could hear his sobs over everything else.

'Shall we make a joint post?' Jack asked me

'No. We need to make these things more personal.' I replied. We both looked over to the bathroom as we heard the locks clicking, telling us that cameron was about to come out.

'Do you think I should go and be with Elizabeth?'cameron asked

'This time is about you aswell cameron, you should be where you want to be.' I replied and he nodded.

'I'm just going to get some clothes out of my bag, i feel all sweaty and horrible in these ones.' He said with a half smile. I smiled back and he bent down over his bag. Jack and I looked a teach other from over Camerons body. 'Guys, look.' Cameron gasped. He turned to face us, holding am envelope in his hand. The writing on the front was clearly Nash's. 'Can I open it?' He asked

'Well it is addressed to you. Do you want to open it alone or with us?' Jack asked.

'With you guys. Actually, could you read it to me. I don't think I'd be anle to read it myself. I'll start crying too much.' He explained. I gently took the envelope out of Camerons hand and cameron went to sit on the couch with Jack. I say on my bar stool again.

'Cam.' I read off of the envelope. 'My dearest Cam, I know this probably came as a huge shock to you, I was fine when you left I know, I planned for you to leave. Do you know how hard it was for me acting like I was getting better in front of you but as soon as you left I realised I wanted to be alone or not around altogether. I didn't do this because I don't love you anymore cameron. I'm sorry I lied to you. You're my world and my everything, you still are even though I'm not around to see you. I'll forever be with you though, in your heart and in your memories. Cling on to those memories please cameron. I don't want you to be alone. Take advantage of those friends you have, they love you just as I did, I always will and so will they. I'm sorry I didn't tell you how I was feeling cameron, I just didn't want you to worry. I'm sorry for breaking all our dreams and I'm sorry for hurting you, I love you so much Cameron. Always. Nash x x x'

I looked over to cameron who was cuddled into jacks chest sobbing a lot. I sat beside him and stroked his back, soon enough we were all crying. I miss you nash, so much.

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