The Park

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Jack Johnsons POV

Jack and I went out for a walk yesterday, we were still the only two who hadnt posted a message about nash yet. We didn't know what to say still. There was a huge park just across from our apartment so we walked over to it. Stopping at the ice cream cart halfway through. Nash used to like it when he came across an ice cream cart. He used to like feeling like it was a treasure for doing something good.

'Excuse me.' A little girl came running up behind Jack and I. We turned around to face her, she was a short girl and quite young, I'd say about 7, so I squatted down onto the floor to talk to her properly, she smiled when I did so. 'Are you Jack and Jack.' She asked us and I nodded to her with a smile.

'Yes we are.' Jack said from high up. He didn't squat he stood up straight making him look even taller than normal. The little girl didn't smile as much at Jack as she did to me, which made me feel all warm inside, knowing someone liked me more than they liked Jack.

'Wow. I'm so happy I've met you Jack.' She said to me and she threw her arms around my neck. I saw her mom coming over so I smiled to her mom who smiled back. The little girl tightened her grasp around my neck before letting go. I kissed her cheek and she smiled cheekily. 'I was happy I met you too.' She said to Jack but she didn't move from her point on the ground.

'Wow are these the musicians you were telling me about. They're lovely aren't they?' The little girls mom said to her, crouching onto the floor with me so we were the same height. 'Thank you.' She mouthed to me. 'We need to go now Summer.' She said to her little girl.

'Okay. Thank you for talking to me. I hope you both feel ok.' Summer said to us, giving us both a little wave as she held her moms hand and walked towards the play park.

'I didn't like her.' Jack said to me. He had his arms crossed over his chest and his head was tilted up into the air, he looked like a right posh idiot.

'You only didnt like her because she liked me more Than she liked you. You're so used to everyone wanting to see you and they love you more that you don't like it when I meet one person that likes me more than they like you. Grow up Jack.' I said to him.

'I'm more grown up than you'll ever be.' Jack said to me. He looked down on me from up at his height before we moved forward and started to order our ice creams. We placed our order and paid and went to sit on one of the very few benches in the whole park.

'You know you're more of a snob then I thought you were.' I said to him snappily.

'Oh please, I'm the snobby one. You're the one who doesn't go to certain shops because they're for the poorer people.' Jack replied in the same tone as me.

'Oh fuck off Jack.' I said, standing up and storming off back to the apartment. I didn't care about him.he could sit outside for all I cared.

As I got back to the apartment, cameron was just laying on the sofa with his phone on his chest looking out of the window. I went and stood up in front of him.

'I can't believe he didn't tell me. He could have spoke to me.' Cameron said to me. I made him stand up and I pulled him into a hug.

'Do people know you're here with us.' I asked him 'your mom and sister might be wondering where you are.' I said

'I sent them two a text earlier. They're he only people who know where I am other than you guys obviously.' Cameron replied. He had his arms around my waist so I kissed he top of his head. He moved back so that he could lay back down on the sofa so I lt him. He was happier there.

'I'm just going to be in the spare bedroom getting out our music stuff, so if you need me just come through.' I said to him and he nodded in acknowledgement.

I smiled at him before I left the room and went into our now only spare room. There were piles of boxes everywhere, I didn't know which one to start with first. I tried to organise them into an ordered system but they just ended up all in a circle. I opened the box in front of me and found jacks framed posters of musicals he'd met throughout the years and the ones he loved. I placed them behind the already made desk going downwards diagonally. I thought it looked good against the White walls. In the next box was the recording equipment so I got that out of three boxes and placed all of it on the desk properly. There were so,e already made shelves in the corner of the room, so when I came across all our CDs they went in the shelves. I was in there for about two hours sorting out everyone when I heard movement from the living room.

'Jack where's the milk.' Cameron said from at the fridge.

'Top shelf cam. Jack put it up there.' I replied. He nodded and I went through to the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror, I was an ugly thing. I was a lot uglier than any of the magcon boys, they're all gorgeous. Why did God take nash but not take me. He had more to live for than I do. I thought to myself, I run some water and splashed myself with it in my face, washing away all those thoughts in the process. I left the bathroom and went back to cameron.

'Have you seen or heard from Jack.' I asked

'No, nothing. Why?' He asked quietly

'Because he hasn't come home yet has he.' I replied

'No. When he didn't come home with you I just assumed he wanted to stay out longer or something.' Cameron said

'No, we had an argument and I stormed off back here and he stayed out. But I haven't heard from him. Maybe I should call him.' I said.

'Yeah that would be a good idea.' Cameron replied with a cheeky smile. I slid my phone out of my pocket and dialled in Jacks number seeing as I knew it all fluently. It dialled and connected and then we could hear his ringtone from in the kitchen. I followed the sound. The dopey bastard had left his phone at home.

'What do we do now?' Cameron asked

'We wait.' I replied

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